Management Team

The strength of IAP lies with the incredibly talented group of professional researchers and managers that have formed the Institute. With more than 130 years of combined industrial experience, and even more philatelic experience, the management team is well-suited to fulfill the mission of IAP.

The IAP was the brainchild of Past Presidents Dave Herendeen and John Barwis, who wanted to encourage the use of science to answer philatelic mysteries. After assembling the IAP team, Mr. Herendeen noted that "our experience ranges across a broad spectrum of technologies from physics to chemistry to printing technology and even information science. Just the combination to tackle and solve difficult philatelic problems." To reemphasize IAP's mission, Dr. Barwis added that the "IAP intends to fund a variety of studies that will solve long-standing philatelic problems through scientific inquiry. Importantly, we expect all researchers to publish their work so that their results may be applied by all those philatelists that follow us."

Dr. Barwis remains an active team member, joined by James Allen, Mark Schwartz, Jonas Hällström, Richard Judge, Jan Hofmeyr, and Yangchen Lin. Ken Nilsestuen, Dwayne Littauer and Bruce Marsden round out the board. Our emeritus fellows remain available as well for scientific consultations.

Management Team Resumes:

Kenneth R. Nilsestuen, President
Mark S. Schwartz, Vice President and Senior Fellow
Bruce Marsden, Treasurer
Dwayne Littauer, Corporate Counsel
James A. Allen, Director and Senior Fellow
John Barwis, Director and Senior Fellow
Richard Judge, Director
Jan Hofmeyr, Director